Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cheers to the New Year

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. It's been a hell of a year for lots of people. I'm pressed to find the right words. For some it's been banner: filled with success and new adventures, true love, a marriage here and there, and personal reasons to feel loved and secure. For others it's been a difficult year: lost jobs, insecurity, a sense of aimlessness. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's been all over the board. Personally, I'm glad it's over. It's the first New Year's Eve that I can honestly say that I know why it's something of a celebration.

For me, the year started in turmoil. I'd lost my job (on the Tuesday before Christmas--awesome timing guys) and was in the lurch. The promise of finding a new job opened up all the Life questions that so many people ask of themselves: What am I doing with my life? Is this how I thought things would turn out? What the hell is the reason for any of this? I'm sure that Morrissey would appreciate the nature of the doldrums that I was dealing with. And at this point I need to give props to Jack, the person that tossed me a line and brought me to a much better place. So reason #1 to be thankful for the New Year is that I have a job, and a great one. Probably the best job I've ever had (Godfather's Pizza, high school, notwithstanding). And to all my friends and loved one's that are in the middle of their own search, I wish you love and success. I know you'll find it.

To Troy and Ivonne, my heart is always open to you. My truest friend on the other side of the planet. Too good to see you and all my love to your HUGE family (it's time to stop breeding).

For my dad it was a year of Passing. We all have mom's, and his died this year. She was a cross between a family icon and family battleaxe. But she held on to a good long life and I hope she found peace at the end. So to dad, godspeed to your mom, I know how much you loved her and how hard you worked to be a great son.

For my mom and dad, it was the 42nd year of their marriage. 42 years. I almost have to rewrite it and think about it. That means that, if I were married right now, tomorrow, I'd be long dead before I hit a 42 year benchmark. Good, bad, or otherwise, I respect the hell out of you two for sticking it out. I'm also glad that our relationship is where it's at. It hasn't always been this way--thanks for hanging on.

My brother and sister are both great people. One is strung pretty tight, and the other is, well, not so uptight. They're good hearted, the two of them, and I love them dearly--all my love to you and I hope we can see each other more next year.

Carina and I had a crazy year. We moved too much, both did job changes, and seemed to be all over the place from time to time. My hope for the new year is that we have love and stability--thankfully, the former wasn't lacking this year, and the latter, well, is something to shoot for in 2010. Still, and you'll never meet her, but she's a woman to go to war for, and she's the kind that would do the same for you. I love her, and I hope she knows how much.

So I wanted to throw these things out there before heading down Taco Road again. It seems sort of self-indulgent, but like I said, it's the first New Year that I've really understood why people scream and shout and kiss and open nice bottles of wine. In the past it always felt perfunctory. This year it feels, well, like the only way to kiss off one hell of year and set my sights on brighter things ahead. I'm grateful for the wonderful, generous, wise friends and family that guided me this year, instructed me as they saw fit, and were there regardless of the outcome. To all of you, nothing but love and appreciation.

Carina and I are having dinner tomorrow night at Noca, french. French. It's going to be an incredible dinner. After that, Friday in particular, the Taco Hunt begins. So until then, Happy New Year to you and may 2010 be nothing but an amazing, exciting, fulfilling year.

1 comment:

  1. Love you brother...wishing you love and health in 2010. I'll work on not being so upright :)
